Our solution

Stocks have historically been a profitable way of investment. However, stock values change constantly as some companies have grown a lot throughout the years and others have gone bankrupt. So, how can you know which stocks are worth investing in?

Our tool will enable you to have a quick insight of the current stock market. Our database has currently covered the stock market in the US, China and India. You will be able to see which stocks have grown the most or how volatile the stock is either historically or by a specific year. As a plus, you will be able to check which years were worth investing and which were not.

Why use Big Data?

The stock market started around 1611 in Amsterdam and it has expanded to this day. Currently, most nations have stock markets and it is estimated that there are about 58,200 stocks around the world. It is said that the New York Stock Exchange captures 1 terabyte of information each day. Therefore, the need for Big Data is more than evident.

  • China

    Companies like Alibaba or Tencent leverage Big Data to provide financial services

  • United States

    The US is a major global financial hub, with Wall Street in New York City being a central player in international finance

  • India

    India is considered one of the largest and fastest-growing emerging markets with a growing middle class

In our case, we have obtained our data from Kaggle, which is a data science platform. In total we have 3 datasets which each has stock data from the US (1.9GB), China (87GB) and India (61GB), respectively. Our data comes in .csv format and has these parameters: Date, Low, Open, Volume, High, Close, Adjusted Close, from which we have mainly used Date and Close.

Why choose us?

Our tool is simple to use, straightforward and bias free as we solely rely on numbers and statistics.
Right now, there are platforms where you can get some financial advice such as e-Toro, but we save you the pain of having to pay monthly subscriptions. Although it requires some prior knowledge in stock finance, it is a great tool to sort the stock market without having the trouble to ask for financial advice or search on the internet websites, which sometimes can be biased or misleading.